Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Trip to England and France by ZB

A few weeks ago I had just woken up from a good and long night sleep. I had woken up to get out of bed and to say “Good morning, Mum”, but to my surprise I was in an aeroplane! We were arriving in England. The taxis look unusual compared to the taxis at home.

Three day later my mum had a card for me, it was from my grandparents, the best bit of the card was that there was a twenty pound note in it. My mum told me to spend it at Hamleys. “Sweet”, I shouted, because today we were going to Hamleys. Hamleys is a big toyshop, I think it is the biggest toyshop in the world. We walked all the way and back after I’d bought some Zuzu babies and a carrier with a blanket.

That night my mum told me that we were going to France the next morning. Mum packed the bags and we went on a big train called the speed train, it felt like it was less than an hour. We had dinner at a fancy restaurant, then we stayed in a lovely, fancy hotel.

The next day, we scooted and walked all the way to a big fountain and beside the big fountain was a huge glass pyramid. A big building surrounded the pyramid, it was the Louvre! We raced to the Mona Lisa room and there she was, a metre in front of my nose!

After that we scooted a bit more and then we saw there was something big and metallic. “Oh my goodness it’s the Eiffel Tower”, I exclaimed. I scooted to the middle of the Eiffel Tower and I tried to imagine a long time ago when bungy jumps weren’t invented. We saw a man bungy jump from top to bottom of the Eiffel Tower. We sat down to have a picnic and then we went into the line. This line had an hour wait which was shorter than the 5 hour wait in the other line. We went in the elevator that took us up high, we could see the huge weights that made the elevator rise up. They were as big as a two-storey building. When we eventually got up to the top level we could see a rugby field with a practice going on. We saw our hotel, it looked tiny from way up there.

On the last day we opened our windows and saw and felt cool Disneyland as we went towards it. First we had to wait in 2 big queues, we had tickets, a princess ticket and a monster ticket. The first queue we went in was about an hour wait then the ride shut down before we got to the front. The best ride was the pirate ride, where there were lots of skeletons hanging from the wall, it was creepy. The ride took us past a village that was being terrorized by the pirates. The last bit of the ride was a skeleton driving a crashed boat. I liked Disneyland.

When we got back to London we had a good rest then we were off again. This trip was one of the longest trips, we went through the countryside and saw a man holding up a sign saying Legoland. We saw lots of Legoland people holding up letters, then we noticed it spelt out Legoland. After we went on all the cool rides there was only one more ride left, it was called the Viking ride. When we just sat down we got a bit wet “Oh my gosh”. Then we thought someone was squirting us, it was my Mum. The rest of the ride we got a good soaking. Well we got dried off when we shook ourselves, then we went to toyshop and I got a house float, car and two people lego set. On the last day of our trip, we went to see Big Ben and the London Eye, but we didn’t have enough time to ride on the Eye.

On our trip home, because of Mum’s sore back, we had seats in first class. That night on the plane I was sitting in my seat and suddenly I pressed the lie down button and I was nearly as squished as a sandwich. A man came rushing out and put the seat back and fixed it for me. Mum was no help, she was just laughing her head off. Finally the man made my seat into a bed and I slept on the plane. Two more days and we were home.

I was glad to be home.


  1. A thorough recount ZB, you really were thinking about your audience when you wrote this. What a fabulous time you must have had :-)

  2. Must have been a very special holiday ZB.
