Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I think the environment is the most important thing in the world because if we didn’t have a healthy environment we wouldn’t have trees. And if we didn’t have trees we wouldn’t have oxygen and if we didn’t have oxygen we would all be dead! Goodbye I’m dead. Not!

So I think we should care for the environment now, or else we will just be a memory to what’s left on earth. Our children deserve a clean environment. Think about that massive oil spill that is destroying our sea, reefs and animals that live there. Imagine in 20 years time there might just be a pile of bones, logs and dried up leaves.

We need sea, trees, deserts and animals to make our and everybody else's lives more interesting. If we didn’t have all these things we’d just be ordinary people with no great talent at all. Just think, great climbers could not have started their talent without trees and how would jockeys ride without horses?

So how does that make you feel? Ummmm.

I just hope that makes you feel like keeping it green.

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